How it Works

With our URL locker system, a download or website link will lock in just one minute. Share it everywhere and you'll receive a lot of delighted subscribers.
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Create your link using the simple form above

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What is is a website that offers a service allowing users to create shortened links. The concept revolves around users locking their desired content behind a shortened URL that they can then share with others. When someone clicks on the link, they are typically redirected to a landing page where they may be required to complete certain tasks, such as subscribing to a YouTube channel or watching a video, before gaining access to the original content they were seeking.

Can you provide some advantages of choosing over other similar platforms?

Certainly! Some advantages of choosing may include:

  1. Established reputation and positive user feedback.
  2. User-friendly interface and ease of use.
  3. Potential for genuine engagement, which can contribute to organic growth.
  4. Additional features and services that enhance the user experience.

How does work?

Users create an account on, shorten their links using the platform, and lock their desired content behind them. When someone clicks on these locked links, they are directed to a landing page where they must complete tasks like subscribing to a YouTube channel or watching a video.

What tasks can I expect users to complete when they click on my locked links?

The tasks that users are required to complete can vary. Common tasks include subscribing to YouTube channels, watching videos, following social media accounts, or interacting with advertisements. The specific tasks associated with your locked links will be determined by's system.

Is compliant with YouTube's guidelines? is designed to be compliant with YouTube's guidelines. It provides a service that allows content creators to engage with their audience and generate organic engagement. By offering locked links that encourage viewers to complete tasks such as subscribing or watching videos, aims to help creators grow their YouTube channels in a legitimate and compliant manner. However, it's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with YouTube's guidelines and policies to ensure that your activities align with their requirements.

How to unlock subunlock link?

Follow these procedures to unlock a link and gain access to the material linked with it:

  1. Open the landing page by clicking on the link.
  2. Read and adhere to the directions on the landing page.
  3. You will often be needed to subscribe to a YouTube channel or complete a specified task.
  4. Perform the needed action, such as subscribing or validating your account, as directed.
  5. Once you've completed the conditions, you should be able to access the unlocked material.

What do the link statistics show? link analytics give useful information on the performance and engagement of your restricted content. These figures often include:

  1. Clicks: The total number of times the link has been clicked, demonstrating how much interest the locked material has created.
  2. Unlocks: The number of times the needed activity to unlock the material, such as subscribing or executing another specified task, has been successfully completed.
  3. Conversion Rate: The percentage of clicks that resulted in successful unlocks, reflecting the effectiveness of your incentive in compelling users to execute the desired action.

What if you forgot or had lost your shortened link?

If you have registered as a user on the website, you may not have to worry about losing or forgetting your shortened link. You should be able to manage and recover your shortened links easily by login into your account and accessing your dashboard. Typically, the dashboard includes capabilities for viewing, editing, and tracking the links linked with your account. Registering and maintaining an account with guarantees that you have simple access to and control over your connections.

What if I need to protect several links?

If you need to secure numerous connections, or similar applications usually do not limit the amount of locked links you may establish. Any amount of lengthy linkages, regardless of length, can be shortened and protected. This opens up a world of possibilities and allows you to protect many links at the same time. You may use this functionality to safeguard and manage multiple links based on your demands and needs.

Are there any adventages for registered users?

Yes, registering as a user on or similar services frequently comes with a number of benefits. Here are some of the most prevalent advantages for registered users:

  1. Enhanced Link Management: Typically, as a registered user, you have access to a user dashboard or control panel. This helps you to manage your shortened links more effectively, including creating, updating, and removing them as required.
  2. Tracking and Analytics: Advanced analytics and tracking options are frequently available to registered users. You can track the performance of your locked links, including clicks, unlocks, and conversion rates. These insights enable you to assess the efficacy of your efforts and make educated decisions.
  3. Customization choices: Some systems provide registered users with additional customization choices. You may be able to customise the look of your shortened links, add custom branding, or establish different parameters for each link.
  4. Registered users frequently receive personalised technical help from the platform's experts. If you run into any problems or have any inquiries, you may contact their support channels for assistance.
  5. Future Updates and Features: When you register, you join the platform's user community and may get alerts and updates about new features, additions, or changes to the service.
It is crucial to remember that the particular benefits may differ based on the platform you select. To comprehend the benefits for registered customers, it is advised that you evaluate the features and perks given by the specific service you are considering.

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